Россия ( FM21) - Football Manager Updates

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License Agreement
The update is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Your use of the update is entirely at your own risk.
You may not modify it or make the update publicly available without the written consent of the copyright owner.
The update was tested together with the transfer patches by sortitoutsi or pr0, FM21 Adboard Project, FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File, sortitoutsi Custom Start Date (2018, updated).
While testing for compatibility with some of the "Nation rules" updates (e.g., updates for Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan by Weiry, league updates by pr0), a stable bug was found in the Russia D6(D8) update.
Therefore, before ordering a new version of this update, it is recommended that you check whether the "Russia D6" update works for you. To do this:
  1. Download and install the "Russia D6" update (copy the downloaded update file to: C:\User\<UserName>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\Editordata\).
  2. Start a new game in "Career" Mode by selecting the update file under "Career Game Setup - Database".
  3. Simulate the 2020-21 season (in Vacation Mode or with sortitoutsi's Custom Start Date patch, the latter option being the faster one) up to June 21, 2021.
  4. Check the tournaments of the 4th and 5th Russian Divisions. If the regional teams are mixed (i.e., participate in championships in other regions) and there are tournaments with 3 or 20 teams in the 4th and 5th Divisions, the next season (i.e., 2022-23) won't start. In this case, it is recommended to remove the update or retest it after removing other third-party "Nation rules" patches (if installed).
Payment can be made via yoomoney, Paypal, Sberbank card, or Yandex card.

// For all questions, please contact - VKE-Mail.
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